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The identity property for a set with the operation of multiplication defined on it is that the set contains a unique element, denoted by i, such that for every element x in the set,

i * x = x = x * i

The set need not consist of numbers, and the multiplication need not be the everyday kind of multiplication. Matrix multiplication is an example.

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11y ago

A set S is said to have a multiplicative identity if the set contains an element - usually denoted by 1) such that for all elements x , in S,

x*1 = x = 1*x

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When a number is multiplied by 1 the product is the number. That's the identity property of multiplication meaning any number multiplied by one will stay the same.

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The multiplication properties are: Commutative property. Associative property. Distributive property. Identity property. And the Zero property of Multiplication.

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1 is the identity element of multiplication.

The definition of identity property for multiplication?

There exists a number, i, such that for every member x of the set, x * i = i * x = x

Why do you think the identity property of multiplication is sometimes called the one property of multiplication?

The identity property of multiplication is sometimes called the one property of multiplication because it involves the number one. Any number times one equals the original number.

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The concept of an identity property in arithmetic is of a process that does not alter the identity of a number, so with respect to addition, the number zero has the identity property; you can add zero to a number and that number does not change. With multiplication, the number one has the identity property; you can multiply anything by one, and it doesn't change.