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Lies or damned lies! These would be statistics which are faulty or presented in a misleading way (deliberately or accidentally). Such statistics could arise in a number of ways:

  • the experimental model was flawed,
  • there were errors in measurement or recording,
  • the sample was biased,
  • correlation was interpreted as causation,
  • poor graph design - scales, pictograms using improper dimensions,

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Q: What is the definition of deceptive statistics?
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The answer is generally no. I note there is no hard and fast definition of the field of statistics. The definition of the field or discipline of statistics is not to reduce the number of values in the set of collected data. An objective of statistics is to characterize or add meaning to the collected data, through calculated values of the data. In this sense, statistics summarizes the data.

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To quote my statistics professor "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." I often find this true. Statistical data can often be completely true, but gathered in a way that is deceptive. They can say that 100% percent of all men interviewed were wearing white shirts. However, they can skew the data by only interviewing men that were already wearing white shirts, and ignoring all of those in red. It would be true that all the men they interviewed were wearing white, but deceptive because they intentionally made the data fit what they wanted it to be. The example is overly simplified, but skewing data for statistics is not that uncommon of a practice.

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