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An integer is a whole number (not a fraction) that can be positive, negative, or zero. A member of the set of positive whole numbers {1, 2, 3, . . . }, negative whole numbers {−1, −2, −3, . . . }, and zero {0}.

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Q: What is the definition of number integers?
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Related questions

What is a number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers?

That's the definition of a "rational number".

What is a definition for integers in algebra?

a whole number negative or positive

Can an irrational number sometimes be expressed as a quotient of integers?

The definition of an irrational number is that it cannot be expressed as the quotient of 2 integers, so no.

What is a quotient of two integers that is always a rational number?

It is an incomplete definition of a rational number.

Why is the quotient of two integers always a rational number?

Probably because that's more or less the definition of "rational number": a number that can be expressed as a ratio of integers.

What is a Number that is even and not integer?

Even numbers are always integers, by definition.

Is zero a natrul number?

There are two conflicting definitions of a "natural number": these are "The set of positive integers", or "The set of non-negative integers".According to the first definition, the list of positive integers does not include 0. However, according to the second definition, this does include zero.

Is the quotion of any two nonzero integers is a rational number true?

The definition of a rational number is the quotient of any two nonzero integers.

Is an integer a whoel number?

By definition, integers are whole numbers as they have no fraction part.

The set of ------- includeds positive and negative whole number and 0?

This is the definition of the set of 'Integers'.

Why 0 not be considered as natural number?

Depending on the definition of the words "natural numbers", the natural numbers are either, "the set of positive integers", that is, integers from 1 upwards, or "the set of non-negative integers", that is, integers from 0 upwards.Therefore, 0 can be included as one of the natural numbers, depending on your definition.

Every irrational number can be expressed as a quotient of integers?

The statement is false; in fact, no irrational number can be exactly expressed as a quotient of integers because this property is the definition of rational numbers.