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The place on a graph were a line crosses the y axis

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Q: What is the definition of y-intercept?
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What is the slope and yintercept of y plus 4x plus 3?

There is no slope nor intercept because there is no equation, simply an expression.

What is a slope used for?

It shows the relationship of y in terms of x. [y = (yIntercept) + ((slope)*(x))] [slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)]

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You can write it either in standard form (ax + by = c) or in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b)

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Without the inclusion of an equality sign and not knowing the plus or minus values of the given terms it can't be considered to be a straight line equation

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There is no legal definition for pole star.There is no legal definition for pole star.There is no legal definition for pole star.There is no legal definition for pole star.

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the two types of definition are the formal and informal definition.

What is the definition fir burn?

first of all definition is NOT spelled like that, definition is spelled definition and second the definition for fir burn is:fir burn means portible computer.

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It has no definition, it is a name.