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Independent: The heat

Dependent: The result

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Q: What is the dependent and independent variable for which material conserve heat best paper cotton and aluminum foil?
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How can you conserve aluminum?

You can conserve aluminum by recycling it, using reusable aluminum products, and avoiding single-use aluminum items like cans and foil. Additionally, reducing overall consumption of products that require aluminum packaging or components can also help conserve this resource.

Is concentration size dependent?

For a homogeneous material the concentration is independent from the size.

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The ball is the independent variable in this scenario as we can manipulate or change its properties (such as mass, size, material) to observe how it affects the motion down the ramp, which is the dependent variable.

What meant by the term intrinsic?

An intrinsic property is an essential or inherent property of a system or of a material itself or within. It is independent of how much of the material is present and is independent of the form of the material, e.g., one large piece or a collection of smaller pieces. Intrinsic properties are dependent mainly on the chemical

How can aluminum conserved?

By not using a lot of it and don't use Buaxide (the material for aluminum)to much.

What is the dependent and independent variable when you measure the absorption of heat by color?

For dependent and independent variable, remember DRY MIX:D - dependent variableR - response you are recording in your notebookY - graphed on the Y-axisM - the thing manipulated by the scientistI - independent variableX - graphed on the X-axisSo for absorption of hear by color:the dependent variable is the absorption of heat: that's the response you are recording and when you graph it, this value goes on the Y-axis.the independent variable is the color: that's the thing you manipulated and when you graph it, this value goes on the X-axis.

Explain why density is a size independent property how does it differ from a size dependent property?

Size independent property is physical properties that do not change when an object changes. Size dependent is physical properties that change when the size of an object changes.

Is aluminum a nonliving material?

yes, aluminum is a metal

What material is used for the inside of a motorhome?

dependent on your camper. The walls (from outside to in) consist of a fiberglass outer wall, then aluminum framing with Styrofoam insulation, then usually a thin piece of paneling called luan.

Are soda cans renewable?

Soda cans made of aluminum are technically renewable because aluminum is a highly recyclable material. Recycling aluminum cans reduces the need for mining and processing new aluminum, which helps conserve natural resources. However, the process of recycling cans still requires energy and resources.

What is meant by the term intrinsic?

"Intrinsic" refers to qualities or characteristics that are inherent to something or someone, rather than being dependent on outside factors. These qualities are essential and originate from within the entity itself, rather than being influenced by external circumstances.

Which material conserves heat the best paper or aluminum foil?

Aluminum foil.