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Q: What does length dependent mean?
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Can length mean the same as height dependent on the context?

Yes. Length of a ship is from front to back. But length of a sail on a ship is from top to bottom. Similar with the length of a wardrobe.

What is mean by machine dependent and indipendent?

dependent mean dependent othewise not dependent

Is stiffness dependent on length?

Yes, it is.

Is inches a dependent or indepndent variable?

Inches is a unit of length or distance. Any measurement of length may be dependent, or independent, depending on the specific situation.

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What is the length of a diagram?

The length of a diagram is dependent on that specific diagram. All diagrams are different in size.

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Hydrogen bond length will NOT be?

dependent on donor and acceptor atoms

Does dependent mean to replace?

No, dependent means to rely on or be influenced by something else. It does not mean to replace.

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What is maximum length of variable in c?

The maximum length of a variable is dependent on the platform. In a 32 bit platform, this might be 4 bytes, although the compiler and run-time library might support 64 bit, or 8 byte variables. In a 64 bit platform, the length might be 8 bytes.(Arrays, strings, structures, classes, etc. are aggregated types, not scalar types, so they don't count in this answer.)