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The Temperature is the Independent Variable (50 degrees, 100 Degrees etc.)

Whatever happens as a result of the temperature change is the dependent variable.

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Q: What is the dependent variable in a temperature experiment?
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What is the temperature called when in an experiment you only change the temperature?

dependent variable

What kind of variable is part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable?

Dependent Variable the independent variable is the one you change to get the dependent variable. The control group is the thing that you leave the same throughout your experiment. Hint: You don't want too many independent variables, it will mess up the experiment.

What is a dependnent variable?

A dependent variable depends on the independent variable. If you are doing an experiment about how temperature affects the heat of water then the independent variable would be the temperature, as that is what you are going to change, and the dependent variable the water as the temperature of the water depends on the temperature surrounding it.

What is the dependent variable in a experience that shows how the volume of gas changes with changes in temperature?

Assuming that the questioner meant "experiment" where "experince"* was written, the volume of gas is the dependent variable and temperature is the independent variable.*The French word for "experiment" is "experience".

Which of the following is the dependent variable in this experiment?

The independent variable is the one that the experimenter changes, and the dependent variable is the response. For example - if you were doing an experiment about the affect of temperature on growth rates: Temperature = Independent variable Growth = Dependent variable

What is the dependent and independent in a experiment?

The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.

What is the dependent variable in an experiment that shows how the volum of gas changes with changes in temperature?

VolumeThe independent variable is the one you determine, and the dependent variable is the one you measure. In this case, you choose the temperature, and measure the volume.

A sentence for the word dependent variable?

The dependent variable is the factor being measured or observed in an experiment, and its value is dependent on the independent variable.

Is temperature a dependent variable?

Temperature can be both an independent variable, where it is manipulated to observe its effect on other variables, or a dependent variable, where it is measured as an outcome of other factors. The role of temperature as a dependent variable or independent variable depends on the specific research context.

What is the dependent variable in an experiment to test how fast sugar dissolves in hot water?

The dependent variable in this experiment would be the time it takes for the sugar to completely dissolve in hot water.

What is the dependent variable in an experiment that shows how the volume of gas changes with the temperature?

The volume of gas

What is a variable that is change in an experiment?

The dependent variable is the variable that can change in an experiment.