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approximaitly 30meter (98ft) and its diameter is 3 to 8 ft...

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Q: What is the depth of well of zamzam?
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When was Zamzam Well created?

Zamzam Well was created in -2000.

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Where did the zamzam well story originate from?

The Zamzam water story is a real story which includes Prophet Abrahams Wife and son Ismael

Who found the well of zamzam?

Hagar, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim, found the well of Zamzam when she was searching for water in the desert with her son, Isma'il. It is believed to have miraculously appeared to provide them with water.

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zamzam is my wonderful and fantastic mother

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The population of Cheshmeh-ye Zamzam is 503.

Where does the sacred Zamzam water originate from?

The sacred Zamzam water originates from a well located within the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is believed to have been miraculously provided by Allah for Hagar and her son Ishmael.

What has the author Amir Husaini Zamzam written?

Amir Husaini Zamzam has written: 'Berdirinya Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara'

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Is zamzam essa in love with callum kemp?

According to my calculations, apprently she is. Now you see, if 2 times 2 is four, then Zamzam times Callum must equal love, right? So yes, yes she is. Sincerly, Zamzam Essa

Does christian believes in zamzam waterat mecca?
