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Q: What is the derivation of edmister's formula?
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The derivation of the formula of pyramid can be gained easily based on the formula for a triangular prism. A pyramid is like two prisms joined together.

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The volume of a cube is V = x3. The derivative of this is (d/dV)x = 3x2.

Why is .33 in the formula of volume for a cone?

It is 1/3, not 0.33 which is an approximation. The derivation of this formula requires knowledge of integration. For basic mathematical details follow the link below.

Show the derivation of the formula of the volume of a cube?

Volume=lbh in a cube,l=b=h therefore,volume=a^3

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The quadratic formula can be derived by used a method called completing the square. It's like using algebra to solve for x. The process is explained the related link "Derivation of Quadratic Formula".

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the process of deducing a new formula, theorem, etc., from previously accepted statements. • a sequence of statements showing that a formula, theorem, etc., is a consequence of previously accepted statements.

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Formula regards the composition of a substance. In Chemistry molecular formula is derived by the composing elements and their atomic quantities. For example the chemical formula of water (H2O) is two hydrogen and single oxygen.

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