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Q: What is the deviation produced by a prism?
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What is the difference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prism?

difference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prism

What is the advantage of keeping the prism in minimum deviation?

By keeping the prism in minimum deviation position, the RI of the prism can be calculated efficiently.

On what factors does deviation produced by a prism depend?

angle between two edges and angle of incidence how denser the object is

What is the advantage of keeping the prism in minimum deviation position?

By keeping the prism in minimum deviation position, the RI of the prism can be calculated efficiently.

The term angle of deviation is used in referance to?

The term angle of deviation is used in reference to a prism.

Difference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prismdifference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prismdifference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prismdifference bet?

See this link.What_is_the_difference_between_ordinary_prism_and_constant_deviation_prism

How is angle of prism and angle of deviation related?

angle of deviation = angle of prism x ( refractice index -1)

What is the minimum deviation of prism whose refractive index is three to the power half?

The minimum deviation of a prism can be calculated using the formula: δ = (n - 1)A, where δ is the minimum deviation, n is the refractive index of the prism, and A is the angle of the prism. If the refractive index of the prism is three to the power of half, or √3, and the value of A is known, the minimum deviation can be calculated using the formula.

Do light passing through a prism have a maximum deviation?

Yes, light passing through a prism has a maximum deviation angle which occurs at a specific angle called the angle of minimum deviation. This angle depends on the material and shape of the prism.

When will the minimum deviation occur in the experiment of the spectrometer-refractive index?

The minimum deviation in a spectrometer experiment occurs when the refracted ray is parallel to the base of the prism, resulting in the prism being in a state of minimum deviation.

The term angel of deviation is used in reference to?

a prism

What is the maximum value of angle of deviation of prism?