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Q: What is the maximum value of angle of deviation of prism?
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How do you calculate the deviation?

Deviations are calculated from some value: the mean, the median, the maximum or whatever. You subtract that value from each observed value.

What is the difference between standard deviation and mean?

The mean is the average value and the standard deviation is the variation from the mean value.

How do you find percent deviation?

to find percent deviation you divide the average deviation into the mean then multiply by 100% . to get the average deviation you must subtract the mean from a measured value.

What should be the angle between the two vectors of magnitudes 3.20and 5.70 units so that their resultant has a magnitudeof 10 units?

The maximum value that the combination of two vectors can have is sum of their magnitudes which in this case is 8.9. This maximum value is less than the needed 10, therefore no angle between them will produce the necessary resultant.

How do you find the average deviation from mean?

To Find Average Deviation 1. Find the average value of your measurements. 2. Find the difference between your first value and the average value. This is called the deviation. 3. Take the absolute value of this deviation. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for your other values. 5. Find the average of the deviations. This is the average deviation The average deviation is an estimate of how far off the actual values are from the average value, assuming that your measuring device is accurate. You can use this as the estimated error. Sometimes it is given as a number (numerical form) or as a percentage. To Find Percent Error 1. Divide the average deviation by the average value. 2. Multiply this value by 100. 3. Add the % symbol.

Related questions

Why does the angle of deviation of a prism decreases first and then increases?

The angle of deviation of light passing through a prism decreases as the angle of incidence increases until it reaches a minimum value called the minimum deviation angle. After this point, as the angle of incidence continues to increase, the angle of deviation starts to increase again due to factors such as total internal reflection within the prism.

What is the minimum deviation of prism whose refractive index is three to the power half?

The minimum deviation of a prism can be calculated using the formula: δ = (n - 1)A, where δ is the minimum deviation, n is the refractive index of the prism, and A is the angle of the prism. If the refractive index of the prism is three to the power of half, or √3, and the value of A is known, the minimum deviation can be calculated using the formula.

Can standard deviation value be bigger than maximum and minimum value?

No standard deviation can not be bigger than maximum and minimum values.

Why is the value of the angle of deviation for a ray of light undergoing refraction through a glass prism different for different colour of light?

Different colors of light have different wavelengths, which results in different speeds of light in the prism. This leads to varying amounts of bending or refraction for each color, causing variations in the angle of deviation. This is known as dispersion.

What is the maximum value of angle of dipole?


How do you calculate the deviation?

Deviations are calculated from some value: the mean, the median, the maximum or whatever. You subtract that value from each observed value.

If n equals 108 and p equals 0.24 find the minimum usual value with mean of -2 std deviation and maximum usual value of mean plus 2 std deviation?

5 7

What is the degree measure of the angle?

It is a complete turn of 360 degrees which is the maximum value of a reflex angle

How do you find the deviation?

The deviation is the observed value less the expected value.

Is 200 degree an obtuse angle?

No. An obtuse angle has a measure in the range (90, 180) degrees. The angle in question is greater than the maximum value for an obtuse angle.

What is the angle measurment of 360 degrees?

It is a complete turn of 360 degrees which is the maximum value of a reflex angle

What is the difference between standard deviation and mean?

The mean is the average value and the standard deviation is the variation from the mean value.