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18 inches

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Q: What is the diameter of 18 inch circle?
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What is the area of a 18 inch diameter circle?

The area of a 18-inch diameter circle is: 254.5 square inches.

What is the circumference of a circle with an 18 inch diameter?

The circumference of a circle with an 18-inch diameter is about 56.55 inches. (C = d x Pi)

What is the circumference of an 18 inch circle?

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is the radius of a circle with a 12 inch diameter?

A circle with a 12 inch diameter has a 6 inch radius.

What is the Circumference of a 18 inch diameter circle?

Circumference of circle: 18*pi = 56.549 inches rounded up to 3 decimal places

What does a twenty inch diameter circle look like?

It looks like an extra large pizza which has a diameter of 18 inches

What is the circumference of a 6 inch diameter circle?

The circumference of a six-inch diameter circle is: 18.8 inches.

What is the circumference of 9 inch diameter circle?

The circumference of 9 inch diameter circle is about 28.27 inches.

What is the circumference of a circle with a 20.5 inch diameter?

The circumference of a circle with a 20.5 inch diameter is 64.4 inches.

What is the circumference of a circle with a 39 inch diameter?

The circumference of a circle with a 39 inch diameter is 122.52 inches.

What is the difference in area that is 18 inches in diameter and 9.6 inches in diameter?

Area of circle with 18 inch diameter = pi*(18/2)2 = 81*pi sq inches Area of circle with 9.6 inch diameter = pi*(9.6/2)2 = 23.04*pi sq inches Difference = (81 - 23.04)*pi = 182.09 sq inches.

What is the area of 18 inch diameter circle?

Area = pi*9*9 square inches