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The formula for the circumference of a tree is Diameter * PI. If the circumference is known, then the diameter is equal to the circumference / PI. In this case, the diameter is equal to 5 foot 5.29 inches.

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Q: What is the diameter of a tree if the circumference is 17 feet 1 inch?
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24 inches in diameter? Circumference is pi(d), or in your case a bit over 75 inches.

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Assuming that the tree is approximately circular, if it is 51 inches in diameter then it is a little over 160 inches in circumference.

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What is the width of the average oak tree?

It really depends but a standard oak i will say is about 25 inches

How do you measure the diameter of a tree?

A: Find the precise circumference of the trunk and divide by Pi. B: Cut the tree halfway through and stick a tape measure at the end of the cut (the middle of the tree) XD

What is the approximate volume of a tree trunk if the trunk is 13 feet tall with a circumference of 4.5?

The volume of a tree trunk can be estimated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Given the circumference (C = 2πr), we can find the radius (r = C/(2π) = 4.5/(2π)) and then calculate the volume using V = π(4.5/(2π))^2 * 13 = approximately 134.23 cubic feet.