You do a diameter circle!!
It is half of the diameter or radius = diameter/2
The cord of a circle that contains the center of that circle is a diameter of that circle.
The diameter is the measurement of a line that goes right through a circle, through the centre point. In cases where we have a ring or some other such object with multiple circles, we would have an external diameter and an internal diameter. The internal diameter is the diameter of the inner circle. The external diameter is the diameter of the outer circle.
Radius = Diameter/2 Diameter = 2* Radius
A venule is a smaller version of a vein.
A vein is larger than a venule. It is also closer to the heart and farther from the capillaries than a venule.
Artery -> Arteriole -> Capillary -> Venule -> Vein
An arteriole transports oxygenated blood from the arteries to the capillary beds and a venule transports de-oxygenated blood from the capillary beds to the veins.
By the process of diffusion.
a smaller version of a vein.
Hydrostatic pressure is the force the gains the ECF from blood at the ends of the arteriole and venule. This process depends heavily on gravity for it to work properly.
The arterioles wall contains smooth muscle and elastic fibers and is six times thicker to handle the higher pressure in the arterioles. The venule is like a giant capillary.