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Q: What is the diameter of a year?
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What is the average diameter of a quasar?

Quasars can vary in size, but on average they have a diameter of about 1 light-year.

What is the diameter of the Universe last year comaped to this year?

About the same, actually. "Unknowable" "Unknowable". We're not even sure that the concept of "diameter of the universe" makes any sense.

What is the ratio of diameter to radius?

This is very, very basic math. The radius is half of the diameter. My 9 year old daughter knows this.

How many AU in diameter is Vy Masses Majoris?

Approx. 62.5 AU in diameter. Answered by 8 year old Tyson Barney.

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We Need more info. which engine.. Make/model/year, and which diameter Bore, main/rod journals?

What the average tit size for a 14 year old?

4-5 cm diameter

How do you find the circumference of a circle from the diameter?

Multiply the diameter by 3.14, or 22/7. In other words, Pi. The formula is C(circumference) = Pi x D (diameter). So, C= 3.14 x D. All you have to do is replace the "D" with the given diameter. P.S.: This answer was written by an 11 year-old six-grader.

Fork diameter for 1997 Yamaha vmax?

43mm stock. There was a size increase in the 1993 Model year.

What size should a sixteen year old basket net be?

NBA size (or an 18 inch diameter)

Will a year 2000 rear hub from a diesel escort fit a 1996 year petrol escort?

no, the 2000 hub has bigger diameter than the 1996 hub,

What is the diameter of a circle that is equal to pi?

If you mean the diameter of a circle with area pi, then the diameter is 2. If you mean the diameter of a circle with circumference pi, then the diameter is 2. If you mean the diameter of a circle with diameter pi, then the diameter is pi. If you mean the diameter of a circle with radius pi, then the diameter is 2pi.

How much bigger is the solar system compared to the sun?

-- The diameter of the sun is roughly 864,000 miles. -- The average diameter of the earth's orbit is 186 million miles ... 215 times the sun's diameter. -- The average diameter of the orbit of Pluto is 7.34 billion miles ... 8,495 times the sun's diameter. -- The roughly-spherical Oort Cloud of small, icy bodies orbiting the sun, is estimated to extend to a radius of up to 4.3 trillion miles ... 3/4 of a light-year ... around the sun. That makes its diameter almost 10 million times the sun's diameter.