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In a control, the scientists know what to expect what will happen in an experiment... it is used for comparison.

A variable is pretty simple. All it is, is the thing in the experiment that changes. There is usually only one of them in an experiment, and there are two kinds... Im sure you are familiar with them.

-An independent variable is when the scientist controls what they are looking for

-A dependent variable scientists dont control directly, but they measure for results

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Q: What is the difference between a controlled experiment and a variable?
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What is the difference between an experimental variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

Define manipulated responding and controlled variables?

the controlled variables are the factors that are kept constant during an experiment. if they are not kept constant then they may affect the outcome of the experiment. the manipulated variable is the factor that is different between the experiment and the control. the responding variable is the variable that is being measured in the experiment.

What is the difference between dependent and controlled variables?

The controlled variable is the one that you chose to change while the dependant is the variable that changes because it is effected by the controlled variable

What is a controlled variable in experimental psychology?

A controlled variable is the thing that is kept consistent in between trials of doing an experiment. e.g: time is kept the same or kept consistent...

What is the difference between dependent and independent variables?

The independent variable is the variable being manipulated in the experiment in order to show the effect on the dependent variable. It is also called the experimental variable.The dependent variable is the variable being observed in the experiment. Changes in the dependent variable as a result of changes in the independent variable are observed, which is the purpose of the experiment. Dependent variable is also called the response variable.

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What is the difference between control and controlled variable?

control is when nothing is done to the experiment and controlled variable is that you have control over the experiment.

What is the difference between a variable being tested and a variable being controlled?

The difference between these both is that the control is what stays the same in an experiment and the variable is what changes.

What is the difference between an experimentation variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

What is the difference between experimental variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

What is the difference between an experimental variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

Why is a controlled variable important in a controlled experiment?

because knowing what is the difference between objects and produres and data is important

What is the difference between a factor and variable?

A factor of an experiment is a controlled independent variable; a variable whose the differences between means for different levels of one factor.

What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable in an expeirement?

In an experiment the independent is the stimulus, the thing controlled or applied by the experimenter. The dependent variable is the response, the reaction to the independent variable.

What the difference between a variable and control?

The difference between a controlled variable and a variable is in their state. A controlled variable is something which is rigid and constant while a variable is liable to change and inconsistent.

How are controlled experiments used?

A controlled experiment is useful to examine the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding variable.

What is the difference between a controlled experiment and a controlled group?

a controlled group is like an idea but an experiment that is controlled cannot be changed.

What is the difference between the control group and the experimental group in a controlled experiment?

The control group does not change, while the experimental group is the variable you are changing.