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A polynomial is specifically a function that resembles the example below: 4x5 + 3x3 - 6x2 + 7x0It consists of a variable raised to integer exponents and multiplied by different coefficients, and has multiple elements - in the above example, four. A function is a more general term to describe anything whatsoever that it done to one or more variables. For instance: arctan(4e3x)
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Q: What is the difference between a function and a polynomial?
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Can the exponents in a polynomial function be negative?

No. It would not be a polynomial function then.

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A polynomial function is always continuous?

Yes, a polynomial function is always continuous

What is the difference between polynomials and trinomials?

A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms.

Is log n considered a polynomial function?

No, log n is not considered a polynomial function. It is a logarithmic function, which grows at a slower rate than polynomial functions.