

Best Answer

a space ship blastes of into space a plane dosent i am in grade 4

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Planes maintain flight by creation of lift over the wing. Space ships achieve flight via thrust to escape Earth's gravity to obtain orbital velocity (free fall) and/or forward momentum.

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Q: What is the difference between a plane and a space ship?
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Is there any difference between a Jacob's ladder and pilot ladder?

Jacob's ladders do not have spreaders to avoid it from twisting when resting against the ship's hull

What will the time period of simole pendulum in free space?

Unless it's in a ship that is accelerating, a simole pendulum will not swing in free space. If it's in a ship that's accelerating, its period will depend on the magnitude of the acceleration.

Does the density of a hammer change whether it is in a space ship or on earth?

Density does not change regardless of where the object is. It is a constant.

What is the difference between the logistic regression and regular regression?

in general regression model the dependent variable is continuous and independent variable is discrete type. in genral regression model the variables are linearly related. in logistic regression model the response varaible must be categorical type. the relation ship between the response and explonatory variables is non-linear.

A ship travels from New York to Southampton at 33 miles per hour A plane traveling 605 miles per hour takes 104 hours less time to make the same trip How far apart are the two cities?

Let d represent the distance and t the time taken by the ship. Then, from the statement of the problem, 605(t-104) = 33t, or (605 - 33)t = 605(104), or t = 110 hours. In this time, the ship travels (33 miles/hour) X 110 hours = 3630 miles. If the ship makes no detours, this is therefore the distance between the two cities. Only two significant digits are justified, because only two are given for the speed of the ship. If significant digits are to be considered, the answer should be written as 3.6 X 103 miles.

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A spaceship is a manned spacecraft designed to carry astronauts, while a space probe is an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore space and gather data without a crew on board. Space probes are typically used for scientific research and exploration missions to planets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies.

What is the difference between a space station and a space ship?

a space station is generally bigger and remains in one spot. A space ship is designed to carry people and/or objects into space.

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Ship, Space Ship, or plane.

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It is something like the difference between ship, car and air-plane: they are hardly similar in any aspect.

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A space shuttle is the ship in which theastronauts use to get to the space station The space station is where the astronauts typically go to refuel and to stay when they r on a long mission.

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Space shuttles are reusable spacecraft designed to transport astronauts and cargo to and from space, as well as perform various tasks like deploying satellites or conducting scientific experiments. Space stations, on the other hand, are large habitats in space where astronauts live and work for extended periods, conducting research and experiments in a microgravity environment. Space shuttles are typically smaller and have a specific mission duration, while space stations are larger and serve as long-term platforms for scientific research and international cooperation.

What is a vehicle that takes you along the sky?

Plane, Jet, Helicopter and Space Ship

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Nothing. A schooner IS a tall ship.

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There is no difference between the term "motor ship" and the term "motor vessel." The two are commonly used interchangeably.

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A between decks is the space between any two decks of a ship.

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What is the difference between manned and unmanned space probe?

Manned space probes have human astronauts on board, while unmanned space probes do not. Manned missions are typically more complex and expensive, but can provide real-time decision-making capabilities. Unmanned probes are often used for longer missions to explore distant planets and asteroids.