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Let's say you're measuring a continuous variable such as height or speed. You collect tally charts with classes 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50 - 59 etc.

49 would be an upper class limit, but 49.5 would be an upper class boundary, since a reading of 49.4 for example falls outside the class limits.

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Q: What is the difference between class limits and class boundaries?
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Class limits and class boundaries?

The extreme values of a Class (Class - A range of values which incorporate a set of terms.) are called its Class Limits. This means that the Class doesn't contain values beyond the two extremes of its limits.

What is 48.6 class boundaries and class limits?

class boundary is 48.6 class limit is either 48.1 or 49.1

What is 4.4 class boundaries and class limits?

class boundary is 4.4 class limit is either 3.9 or 4.9

What is class width?

Class width, from statistics, is the difference between the two boundaries of a class. A class is an interval that includes all of the values in a (quantitative) data set that fall within two numbers, the lower and upper limits of the class. Finally, a class boundary is the midpoint of the upper limit of one class and the lower limit of the next class.

What is the meaning of class size in statistics?

The difference between any two consecutive lower (or upper) class limits it the class width.

What is the difference between stated and real class limits?

Real Class Limits are the class intervals of a frequency distribution when stated as in continuous categories. ie. 18.5-19.5, 20.7-34.7 Stated Class Limits are the class intervals of a frequency distribution when stated as discrete categories. ie. 19-21, 23-25

What is the distance between consecutive lower class limits called in statistics?

class width

What is The distance between consecutive lower class limits is called the?

They are the class widths.

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The difference between the Class 365 and Class 465, 466 is basically the cost.

Difference between exclusive or inclusive class intervals?

difference between inclusive and exclusive class interval

What is a different between Class limits and class intervals with example?

class limits is where the numbers are fall.from begining to end.a class interval is when a fixed no. are decided for eg.0-5,5-10,10-15,15-20 are inclusive class intervals.

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