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A categorical variable (also known as a discrete variable) is one whose range is countable; e.g. the variable answ has values [yes, no, not sure]. answ is a categorical variable with range 3.

A continuous variable is one which is not categorical; e.g. weight is a continuous variable which can take any value between 0 and 1000 kg (say) for a human being.

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Q: What is the difference between continuous and categorical independent variables?
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in general regression model the dependent variable is continuous and independent variable is discrete type. in genral regression model the variables are linearly related. in logistic regression model the response varaible must be categorical type. the relation ship between the response and explonatory variables is non-linear.

What is the difference between continuous and discrete system?

The difference between continuous and discrete system lies in the variables. Whereas the continuous systems have dynamic variables, the discrete system have static variables.

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Analysis of covariance is used to test the main and interaction effects of categorical variables on a continuous dependent variable, controlling for the effects of selected other continuous variables, which co-vary with the dependent. The control variables are called the "covariates."

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There are two main ways in which variables can be classified:They can be classified according to their functional role intocontrol,independent, ordependent.They can also be classified by the values that they can take, intoqualitative: categorical eg apple, banana, orangequantitative: numerical data. these can be further classified into discrete or continuous.

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Constants stays the same independent variables is the variable that is being manipulated

What is categorical data?

Categorical data is the statistical data type consisting of categorical variables or of data that has been converted into that form, for example as grouped data.

What are the different variables during an experiment?

categorical variablesquantitative variablesordinal variablesthere are more common ones like...Controlled/constant variable-Variables that do not change at all!Manipulated/independent variable-Variables that change (intentionally) in order to see their effect on another variable.Responding/depending variable-Is measured quantitatively or qualitatively and is affected by the independent variables.Hope this helps.

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It is usually used to show a relationship between two variables when the independent variable is continuous.

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What is shown on a y-axis on a figure?

If there is one independent variable, and one or more dependent variables, then they would be plotted on the y-axis. If there are a mix of discrete and continuous variables, then the continuous variables should be plotted on the y-axis. In general, though, any variable can be plotted on the y-axis.

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