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The words discrete and discreet are pronounced in the same way and share the same origin but they do not mean the same thing. Discrete means 'separate,' as in a finite number of discrete categories, while discreet means 'careful and circumspect,' as in you can rely on him to be discreet .

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Q: What is the difference between discrete and discreet?
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The homophone for discreet is discrete.

What is the homophones for discrete?

The homophones for "discrete" can include "discreet" and "discreetly."

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The homophone of "discrete" is "discreet."

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No: Discrete means separate; and discreet means careful in what you say and do to not offend someone or to have an advantage.

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The word form is discrete!

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"Dedicated" suggests that you are loyal or focused on a subject."Discrete" means you are being inconspicuous or not obvious about something.Discrete means consisting of distinct parts, separate, discontinuous. The previous contributor was defining discreet, not discrete. Dedicated has the meaning given above, but may refer to things as well as people.

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The homonyms of "decrease" are "discreet" and "discrete." "Discreet" means careful and tactful in one's actions or speech, while "discrete" means individually separate and distinct.

Can discrete ever be used to describe a person?

You are confusing the word discreet with discrete. A discreet person is one who does not commit an indiscretion. Whereas, a discrete person is one who is distinct from other people. I know the difference of course, but have never actually seen discrete used to describe a "person apart" but apparently it can be done. Since it is understood that all people are indeed discrete individuals, separate from other people (even conjoined twins remain somewhat discrete, although not as much as other people are) it would usually be considered unnecessary to say it.

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