Bar graph.
A bar graph works well in this case
Almost any kind of graph can be used to show discrete data: You can use a line graph (most economic data), a bar graph (demographics), a pictogram, a pie chart, a scatter plot, radar. Although 3-d charts can also be used, they are very poor at conveying information because of the difficulty in interpreting depth.
circle graph
data that can be counted, that does not show a change over time
A pie chart :) or a bar graph.
Bar graph.
A bar graph works well in this case
Almost any kind of graph can be used to show discrete data: You can use a line graph (most economic data), a bar graph (demographics), a pictogram, a pie chart, a scatter plot, radar. Although 3-d charts can also be used, they are very poor at conveying information because of the difficulty in interpreting depth.
A bar graph would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous, as it allows for discrete categories to be visually compared easily. The gaps between bars help to emphasize that the data points are distinct and not continuous.
circle graph
A line graph is not a good way to represent the data as the number of CDs is a continuous variable, but the artists are a discrete, categoric variable. A line graph should be used when both variables are continuous. A bar chart or bar graph should be used when one variable is continuous and one is discrete.
A bar graph shows categorical data represented by rectangular bars. Each bar represents a different category and the height of the bar represents the frequency or amount associated with that category. It is commonly used to compare and display data in categories or groups.
It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.
You would use a bar graph to show data changes over time or to show comparisons among items. A line graph can also be used to show data changes over time or comparisons. A pie/circle graph would be used to show the relative amount/size of items in a data set. A scatter plot is used to show trends and similarities in a large number of data points. This link might be useful too.
what is commonly used to show discrete data