well this is a great topic but i also need help but what u should do is look it up online ill re-post if i find a good answer
There is no difference...same thing
Class diagram represent generalized view of system while object diagram represent view of a system at a particular instant.
a diagram is an image or sketch explaining a scene or concept. a figure literally means"something other than words.
polyline is a 3d line where line is a 2d figure if a diagram has been drawn with polyline and line, if we click on the diagram made with polyline whole diagram will be selected where line didn't make it
The reaction described by curve B is occurring with a catalyst.------Apex <('-'<)
There is no difference...same thing
The difference between a graph and a diagram is as follows: a diagram is a chart which shows a drawing and a graph is a graph with lines or bars indicating something specific in numbers.
difference between cross section and block daigram
you could use a venn diagram
difference between Strain-stress diagram of copper and steel?
A diagram is usally something that helps you put an item together. A picture is more like the end product.
difference schematic diagram between carnot heat engine and heat engine
the difference between the pictorial diagram and schematic diagram is that the pictorial diagram shows the external appearance of the circuit.while the schematic diagram shows only the electrical symbol of the circuit..
Class diagram represent generalized view of system while object diagram represent view of a system at a particular instant.
one is a diagram like a chart or graph, and one is a design like a blue print