Homogeneity means that the statistical properties of the variable which is being studied remain the same across the population. Heterogeneity means that they do not: it could be that the mean changes between different subsets of the population or the variance does.
It is the estimate of between-study variance, to quantify heterogeneity
data classification in statistics
The difference between two variances
Homogeneity refers to the similarity or uniformity of a group or population, while heterogeneity refers to the diversity or variation within a group or population. Homogeneity implies that the members share common characteristics, while heterogeneity implies differences among the members.
It is the estimate of between-study variance, to quantify heterogeneity
What is the difference between statistics and parameter
The main difference is that the way of selecting a sample Random sample purely on randomly selected sample,in random sample every objective has a an equal chance to get into sample but it may follow heterogeneous,to over come this problem we can use stratified Random Sample Here the difference is that random sample may follow heterogeneity and Stratified follows homogeneity
Linear system follows principal of superposition and homogeneity and Non linear system does not follow the same.
data classification in statistics
The difference between two variances
Statistic is singular; statistics is plural. Statistic is a single data point. Statistics is the study of collections of related data points.
Asymmetric is the opposite of symmetric
It is the difference between the highest and lowest value in a set of data.