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upper indus plains:

*located in the northern partof the indus plain.

*river indus and its major tributries flow here.

*the jhelum, ravi,sutlej have joined the chenab

at panjnad to form the river panjnad which joins the indus near mithan kot.

*nearly flat undulating plain sloping towards the south east.

the avg width near kalabagh is 1.4 and near sukkur its 1.6 km

*river indus is in its middle course in the north and enters its lower course towards the south.

*alluvial terraces or bars are formed between the rivers.

*ideal for agriculture with a network of link canal irrigation. lower indus plains;

*located in the south of the indus plain.

*the river indus flows alone

*nearly flt undulating slope towards the south.

*width of the river is 1.6 km.

*river indus in its lower course

*deposition is its main function.

*piedmont plains with alluvial fans to the west

*ideal for agriculture with irrigation



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