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one is a moneran and one is an organism

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Q: What is the difference between monerans and one celled organism?
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Why 70 percent ethyl alcohol is used rather than 90 percent or 95 percent?

70% alcohol has been found to be more effective in killing microbes.Higher and lower concentration may not be as effective.90% alcohol coagulate proteins in contact.suppose 90% alcohol is poured over one celled organism,the alcohol penetrate the cellwall of the organism.the coagulated protein would then prevent the alcohol further from the cell and no more coagulation then take,if 70% alcohol is added into one celled organism.The diluted alcohol also coagulates the protein, but at a slower rate,so that it penetrates all the cell before coagulation.Then all the cell coagulated and the organism died.

Is the surface-area-to-volume ratio of a small cell less than that of a larger cell?

As a cell becomes larger the surface area to volume ratio gets smaller. The volume increases by the square of the surface area. That is the main reason that one celled organisms are small.

Can you see into the second dimension?

As you know, 3d stands for 3 dimensional. We see in 3d everyday. We can also move in 3d. We call it 3 dimensional because we can move (up and down, left to right, and forward and backwards). If you eliminate one of these sets of movements then you eliminate a dimension and you are now in 2d. We an see in the 2nd dimension and 1st dimension because we are at 3d. But we cannot see a 4d (if there is one. there are theories that there are an infinite number of dimensions) because we are not able to move with in the boundaries of 4d.

What are 7 different kinds of algae?

Green algae: These are a diverse group of algae found in both freshwater and marine environments. They are characterized by their green coloration due to the presence of chlorophyll. Brown algae: Also known as kelp or seaweed, brown algae are predominantly marine and range in size from small filamentous forms to large, complex structures. Red algae: Red algae are typically marine algae that can be found in tropical to polar regions. They are known for their red pigmentation, which is mainly caused by the presence of accessory pigments called phycobilins. Diatoms: These are unicellular, microscopic algae that are found in both freshwater and marine environments. Diatoms are known for their unique silica cell walls, which have intricate and often beautiful patterns. Dinoflagellates: Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular algae that are mostly marine. They have two flagella, which allow them to move in a spinning motion. Euglenoids: Euglenoids are single-celled organisms that can be either plant-like or animal-like. They have a whip-like tail called a flagellum that allows them to move and can be found in freshwater environments. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria): Although not true algae, cyanobacteria are often referred to as blue-green algae. They are photosynthetic bacteria that can be found in a wide range of environments, including freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats.

Related questions

What is difference between a cingle-celled organism and a multi-celled organism?

a singe celled is a prokaryote and multi celled is a eukaryote

What kingdom Monera are single celled organism without a nucleus?

The kingdom Monera includes single-celled organisms without a nucleus, known as prokaryotes. These organisms have genetic material that is not enclosed within a membrane-bound nucleus. Examples include bacteria and blue-green algae.

Do monerans have backbones?

No, monerans do not have backbones. Monerans are single-celled organisms without complex structural features like backbones.

What is the difference between monerans and protists?

Monerans are a group of single-celled organisms that lack a distinct nucleus, while protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that can be single-celled or multicellular. Monerans include bacteria and archaea, while protists include organisms like algae, amoebas, and ciliates.

Do monerans have on cell or many cells?

Monerans typically consist of a single cell and are considered unicellular organisms. They lack a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles found in more complex organisms.

Exaim the difference between an organism and a species?

An organism is a single-celled life form whereas a species refers to a group of organisms.

What are the differences between archaebacteria and monerans?

Archaebacteria and monerans are both classifications of single-celled organisms, but monerans belong to the domain Bacteria while archaebacteria belong to the domain Archaea. Archaebacteria are known for living in extreme environments, while monerans are more commonly found in diverse habitats. Additionally, archaebacteria have unique cell membrane structures and genetic sequences that distinguish them from monerans.

Are monerans multicellular?

No, monerans are unicellular organisms. They are prokaryotes that do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

What is the difference between a unicellular organism and a single cell organism?

Cell is the structural and functional unit of life while ,unicellular organism refers to an organism. Cell is present in both unicellular and multicellular organisms where as , unicellular organisms are composed of only one cell.

Which kingdom contain one celled living things without nuclei?


What are small one celled monerans that contain chlorophyll and can make their own food?


What is the difference between multicellular organism and a single celled organism?

Single means 1... multi means more.... lets see if we use common sense a single cell organism has one cell and a multicellular organism has more than one cell.