Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.
every abelian group is not cyclic. e.g, set of (Q,+) it is an abelian group but not cyclic.
No. In fact, a rhombus cannot be cyclic - unless it is a square.
A cyclic quadrilateral is one that has concyclic vertices (its corners all fit on the same circle) and, for a simple cyclic quadrilateral, opposite angles are supplementary.
A cyclic group, by definition, has only one generator. An example of an infinite cyclic group is the integers with addition. This group is generated by 1.
no ideer
Cyclic behavior occurs in regular cycles ever year like, circadian rhythms and migration. Periodic behavior is cycles of activity that are synchronized with periodic events in the environment. The difference is cyclic behavior is a regular cycle every year and periodic behavior may change with the environment.
The big bang is a one off, the big bounce is cyclic.
A reversible process is one that can be undone with no change in entropy of the system and surroundings. A cyclic process is one that starts and ends at the same state, with the system going through a series of state changes. All reversible processes are cyclic, but not all cyclic processes are reversible.
Ultrsound is cyclic pressure with a frequency higher than the upper limit of human hearing.
linear codes and cyclic codes sub class of block codeswhere linear codes satisfies linearity property i.e. addition of any two code vectors produces another valid code vector where as cyclic codes satisfies cyclic shift property i.e. for every cyclic shift of a code vector produces another valid code vector
Ultrasound is cyclic sound pressure with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing.
The main difference between cyclic forms of ketose and aldose sugars is the location of the carbonyl group. In ketose sugars, the carbonyl group is located within the carbon chain, while in aldose sugars, the carbonyl group is located at the end of the carbon chain. This difference in carbonyl group location affects the overall structure and properties of the sugars.
Cyclic hydrocarbons form a circular shape. Like an O chain structures are linear structures. Like VVVVV
Water is recycled by natural phenomenon. It undergoes a cyclic process.
Something that is cyclic repeats a pattern of some sort. A cyclic relationship is a relationship between two people or things that repeat a pattern. For example: 1. Breathing is a scientific cyclic relationship where the oxygen cycles into the body and carbon dioxide is released in a periodic pattern. 2. The relationship between your two friends who continuously break up and get back together many times could be considered a cyclic romance/relationship.
Between attacks, there is no sign of any illness