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A Natural infinite set refers to one whose members can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers, while a real infinite set is one whose members can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the real numbers. Although both sets are infinite, they are not of the same cardinality (size).

The cardinality of the natural infinite set is denoted by À0 or Aleph-null. The cardinality of the real infinite set is 2 to the power À0, which is denoted by C. (Actually Aleph looks like an N with wriggly lines but this browser is incapable of displaying it.)

For more on the cardinality of infinite sets, see the related links. Georg Cantor's diagonal argument is exquisite - simple but immensely powerful. If you want to get a feel for transfinite arithmetic - read about Hilbert's Hotel paradox.

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Q: What is the difference between natural infinite and real infinite set?
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