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i want you to suck your pum-pum

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Q: What is the difference between one foot landing and two foot landing?
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What is difference between foot and feet?

foot is one feet is more than one

What is the difference between a rooster and a chicken foot?

One is a rooster and the other is a chicken foot.

Can you shoot with one foot on the base line in netball?

After you catch the ball, whichever foot touches the ground first is called your landing foot; if both feet touch the ground simultaneously, or if both feet are already on the ground when you catch the ball, then you can choose either foot to be the landing foot.Whichever foot is your landing foot, the other foot can be moved however you like, essentially so long as your landing foot stays in the same spot. Well, almost. To complicate things, you are allowed lift your landing foot off the ground, as long as your other foot remains still once the landing foot is lifted. You must also let go of the ball before your landing foot touches the ground again.Needless to say, you can't drag your landing foot, nor can you hop, skip or run with the ball. And you have to release the ball within three seconds.

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What is the difference between a foot and mile?

One mile is 5,280 feet, so the difference is 5,279 feet or 63,348 inches.

What is the difference between walking and running?

When you walk at least part of one foot is always in contact with the ground.

Can you die from falling ten feet?

You can die from falling one foot, it's all about the landing.

What is the difference between linear feet and inches?

A linear foot is 12 times greater than one linear inch.

What is the difference between a water buffalo foot and a cattle foot?

Well one's from a water buffalo and the other is from a cow, obviously. Seriously, there's really no difference between the two; both are cloven hooved, both are shaped in the same way as the other, and consequently can be easily confused between each other.

What is the difference between 1 square foot and 1 foot square?

One square foot is 1 foot X1 foot, 1 foot square is also 1 foot x 1 foot. The only difference is that in 100 square feet it would be 10 x 10 or 5 x 20 etc but in a 100 foot square it is 100 feet X 1 foot only.

How much extra landing room is needed for every pound of weight on an airplane?

for every extra pound on a plane one extra foot of landing room is needed.

What is the difference between one and one's?

difference between one- ones