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Q: What is the difference in a one foot landing and two foot landing?
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What is the difference between one foot landing and two foot landing?

i want you to suck your pum-pum

Can you shoot with one foot on the base line in netball?

After you catch the ball, whichever foot touches the ground first is called your landing foot; if both feet touch the ground simultaneously, or if both feet are already on the ground when you catch the ball, then you can choose either foot to be the landing foot.Whichever foot is your landing foot, the other foot can be moved however you like, essentially so long as your landing foot stays in the same spot. Well, almost. To complicate things, you are allowed lift your landing foot off the ground, as long as your other foot remains still once the landing foot is lifted. You must also let go of the ball before your landing foot touches the ground again.Needless to say, you can't drag your landing foot, nor can you hop, skip or run with the ball. And you have to release the ball within three seconds.

What are the different types of landing for netball?

I am unsure of what you mean and I am a experienced representative player.. I'd check youu're language then ask again =)

What difference will be felt if we stand up with one foot than that of two feet in pressure?

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What is the probability of flipping two coins and one landing on heads and one landing on tails?

It is 1/2.

What can helicopters land on?

Basically, Helicopters Landing is of Two Types, One is Skid Landing, Wheel Landing. Skid Landing is used for Army, Civil, Ambulance etc.. This type of landing will be on Ground. Wheel Landing is for Navy, where landing will be on Ships.

What is the difference between hop jump bound leap and spring verbs?

A hop starts on one foot and ends on the same foot. A jump starts on two feet and usually ends on two feet but can end on one foot. A leap starts on one foot and ends on the other foot. The words 'bound', 'leap' and 'spring' are adjectives that describe a hop, jump or leap. They are not definitions of these movements.

What is the difference between the foot valve used in asingle circuit system and the foot valve used in the dual circuit system?

Most single foot valves have one input port and one output Most double have two or more of each and are actually two separate valves in one body so if one fails the other will continue to work.

Is foot more than one?

One foot. Two feet.

What is a liukin?

A "Liukin" is a gymnastics technique on the Balance Beam named after Olympic and World Champion Nastia Liukin. Formally "a front salto, take off from one leg to one foot landing to scale, held for two seconds"

Is six foot two and five foot four a big height diffrens?

Yes that's a 16 inch difference

What are the odds of rolling two die with one landing on a 5 and the other landing on a 1?

there are 36 possible combinations in two single die tosses. The odds of any one combination is then 1:36