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1/3 - 1/4 = (1×4)/(3×4) - (1×3)/(4×3) = 4/12 - 3/12 = (4-3)/12 = 1/12

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Q: What is the difference between one third and one fourth?
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Why is one tenth between one fourth and one third?

It isn't.

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one third of the difference between ten and a number

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One Sixths

Is it possible for there to be a fraction between one third and one fourth?

If you mean one third divided by one fourth, then yes.(1/3)/(1/4)Simplified, it becomes 4/3.

What is the difference between seven and seven eighths and three and one fourth?

the difference between them is 4 and 5/8.

Is one third equivalent to one fourth?

No, one third is more than one fourth

What is the difference between one-half and one-third?

A sixth.

How much larger is one fourth than one third?

a fourth is 8% smaller then a third

What special edition is in the warriors series between the third and fourth series?

There isn't one yet.

What is five one third times one-fourth?

It is one and one third.

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