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A rate compares two different units. Ex. 1 mile / 1 hour

A ratio compares two of the same units. Ex. 1 mile / 2 miles

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Q: What is the difference between rate an ratio?
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What is the difference between rate and ratio?

A ratio is the comparison between two numbers with the same unit. For example 3 oranges to two oranges. On the other hand, a rate is an indication of the measurements of different units per unit. For example, the statement 3 oranges/ person shows the relationship between the measurement of oranges per person.the rate of something is the amount or speed of it, whereas the ratio is the proportion of one thing to another, like for example if there was 15 sweets in a bag; 10 red and 5 blue, so the ratio of red sweets to blue would be 2 to 1. Kthanks.

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The typical ratio between pulse rate and respiration rate in the human body is about 4:1. This means that for every 4 heartbeats, there is approximately 1 breath taken.

What is the difference between a ratio and a prportion?

a ratio is a fraction of two numbers a proportion is = fractions