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Q: What is the difference between the number of deaths for the Allied and Axis countries?
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What was the difference between allied and axis civilian deaths?

The Allies, easily. The number of military deaths on the part of the Soviet Union (8 million +) and China (3.8 million) were horrendous and account for the high overall numbers on the Allied side.

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

What was the D-Day death count?

Allied deaths were about 5,000.

Aproximately how many people died during World War 2?

Approximately 72 Million were killed during World War 2. 58% being Allied Civilian Deaths 25% being Allied Military Deaths 13% being Axis Militaty Deaths 04% being Axis Civilian Deaths

How many people died during the D-Day campaign?

Allied deaths were 4391

What is the difference between World War I to anothers?

More people died in World War 1 rivalled to any other. 16 million deaths, 21 million wounded. 9.7million deaths of military personel and around 6.8million deaths of civilians.

How many allies were killed in the battle of the bulge?

In total, 19,200 allied soldiers were killed during the Battle of the Bulge. 19,000 were US deaths and 200 were British deaths.

How many casualties and deaths were there on d day?

Allied deaths were about 5,000, and although very regrettable, this is a surprisingly low number considering over 175,000 men were involved in the combat.

What was the difference between the Titanic and Hindenburg disaster?

Well, the obvious answer is that the Hindenburg was an airship (zeppelin), and the Titanic was an ocean liner. Most deaths in the Hindenburg were from fire or jumping from the airship, while most deaths on the Titanic were from drowning or exposure. Finally, there were many more deaths on the Titanic than on the Hindenburg.

How many solder died during World War 2?

About 25.2 Million Soldiers were killed during World War 2. 34% being Axis Deaths and 66% being Allied Deaths.

How many military lives died during World War 2?

Around 25 Million military serviceman were killed during World War 2. Out of all of the military deaths, 70% were allied deaths.

In what countries did most deaths occur in ww1?

Russia, Poland, Germany.