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A Group is the simplest of these algebraic structures. It is a set, G, of elements (numbers) with a binary operation (addition) that combines any two elements such that the following four axioms are satisfied:

  1. Closure: if x and y belong to G then x + y belongs to G.
  2. Associativity: if x, y and z belong to G then (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) and so either can be written as x + y + z without ambiguity.
  3. Identity: there is an element, 0, in G such that x + 0 = 0 + x = x for all x in G.
  4. Invertibility: for any element x in G, there is an element -x such that x + -x = -x + x = 0.

A Ring, R, is an Abelian group which has a second binary operation (multiplication) that is defined on its elements. This second operation is distributive over the first.

  1. Abelian: for all x and y in R, x + y = y + x (also known as commutativity).
  2. Distributive: for all x, y and z in R, x*(y + z) = x*y + x*z.

A Field is a Ring over which division - by non-zero numbers - is defined.

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Q: What is the difference between the ring the field and the group in abstract algebra?
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What is difference between vector spaces and field?

A vector space is a set of all points that can be generated by a linear combination of some integer number of vectors. A field is an abstract mathematical construct that is basically a set elements that form an abelian group under two binary operations, with the distributive property. Examples: Euclidean space(x,y,z) is a vector space. The rational and real numbers form a field with regular addition and multiplication. Also, every set of congruence classes formed under a prime integer (mod algebra) is a field.

How did Emmy Noether develop algebra?

Emmy Noether did not actually develop algebra. The field was originally developed by Indian mathematicians and introduced at large by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, in his book, Kitab al-jam'wal tafriq bi hisab al-Hindi ("Book on Addition and Subtraction after the Method of the Indians"), around 780-850 A.D.Emmy Noether made vast advancements to the field of abstract algebra, largely by introducing a number of useful theorems in group, ring and field theory.

How is algebra used in medical assisting?

In the medical field algebra is used mostly for calculating dosages for medications and in giving the proper amount. Basic algebra is used to also calculate vitals.

What is the difference between the lowest value in a data field and the highest values in the data field called?

This is often called the range of the data.

How field is denoted in algebra?

A field is a commutative ring in which all non zero elements have inverses or all the elements are units

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How did Emmy Noether develop algebra?

Emmy Noether did not actually develop algebra. The field was originally developed by Indian mathematicians and introduced at large by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, in his book, Kitab al-jam'wal tafriq bi hisab al-Hindi ("Book on Addition and Subtraction after the Method of the Indians"), around 780-850 A.D.Emmy Noether made vast advancements to the field of abstract algebra, largely by introducing a number of useful theorems in group, ring and field theory.

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What was Evariste Galois known as?

Many consider him the father of modern algebra. Galois theory was named after him and is very important for many reasons one of which is it provides a connection between field theory in modern algebra and group theory.