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Trigonometry is specificly the study of a right triangle. For example, what is the cosine? Geometry is the study on shapes.

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Q: What is the difference between trigonometry and geometry?
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Related questions

What is the difference of trigonometry and geometry?

Trigonometry is a branch of geometry which is primarily concerned with the properties and measurement of triangles.

What is the difference between angles of trigonometry and angles of geometry?

In geometry, angles are studied mostly in relation to each other. In Trigonometry, angles are studied in relation to side lengths and triangles.

How are geometry and trigonometry different?

Geometry is the study of spatial properties (shapes, sizes, etc.), while trigonometry is the study of triangles and the relationships between angles and lengths.

What subject includes trigonometry?

The subject of trigonometry is in geometry.

How trigonometry and geometry deal with each other?

trigonometry deals to triangle while the the geometry on the shape..

What class do you take after geometry?


Are math skills required for becoming a lawyer?

algebra,trigonometry,geometry,(second year algebra, semester of trigonometry, a year of geometry)

What is the difference between geometry and solid geometry?

The difference between regular geometry and solid geometry is that regular geometry deals with angles, measuring angles, and theorem/postulates. Solid geometry deals with shapes and multiple sided figures.

What studies did not originate in India algebra calculus geometry trigonometry?

Geometry did not originate in India.

What has the author Karl Bachman Patterson written?

Karl Bachman Patterson has written: 'Plane trigonometry' -- subject(s): Plane trigonometry, Problems, exercises, Trigonometry 'Analytic geometry' -- subject(s): Analytic Geometry

What rhymes with trigonometry?

Some words that rhyme with trigonometry are: geometry optometry montgomery baffoonery mockery

What is the study of squares if trigonometry is the study of triangles?
