To add two integers with opposite signs . . . -- Ignore the signs, and write the difference between the two numbers. -- Give it the same sign as the larger original number has.
The two integers are A and A+40 or, equivalently, B and B-40.
For each pair of such integers, find the difference between the absolute values of the two integers and allocate the sign of the bigger number to it.
7 and -4
It isn't. 5 - 10 = -5
To add two integers with opposite signs . . . -- Ignore the signs, and write the difference between the two numbers. -- Give it the same sign as the larger original number has.
To find the distance between two integers using the difference, you simply subtract the smaller integer from the larger integer. The result will be the distance between the two integers on the number line. For example, if you have integers 7 and 3, you would subtract 3 from 7 to get a distance of 4. This method works because the difference between two integers gives you the number of units separating them on the number line.
Yes, the difference between two integers is always a whole number.
-- write the difference between the integers without regard to their signs -- give the difference the same sign as the larger of the two integers
if you were to do it as a fraction the two integers would be 1 and a half. your welcome:] !!!
The difference (greater minus lesser) is the distance between them.
The two integers are A and A+40 or, equivalently, B and B-40.
The difference is the result. 9 - 7 = 2 The difference between 9 and 7 is 2.