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Q: How many integers between 1 to 1000 both inclusive can be expressed as the difference of squares of two non negative integers?
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Are all negative rational numbers integers?

No, they are not because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers

When is the sum of two integers less than the difference?

When the integers are negative.

Why is -6 rational?

All integers, including negative integers, are rational. They can all be expressed as a fraction with the denominator 1.

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The square root of a negative number cannot be expressed with integers. The square root of a negative number is always imaginary.

Is the number 88 a rational number?

Yes, the number 88 is rational. A "rational number" is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of integers. That is A/B where A and B are integers, and not zero. Rational numbers include all positive and negative integers and all positive and negative fractions (and mixed numbers when expressed as a fraction).

What is the difference between non negative integers and negative integers?

A non-negative integer is a whole number above 0, and a negative integer is a whole number below 0.

Is -5 an integer and an rational number?

-5 is an integer and a rational number. Integers can be positive or negative. Rational numbers can be expressed as a fraction of integers.

What is negative rational numbers?

They are numbers that can be expressed as -p/q where p and q are positive integers.

What are two integers that have difference of negative 11 and sum of negative 3?

-7 and 4

How can you decide if the difference of two integers is positive or negative?

The difference is that when you are multiplying a negative with a postive it would be negative. Lets say their both negative then it would be postive. Examples: - - = + - +=+ - - - = - - - - -= +

Is negative 4.8 rational?

Yes, since it can be expressed in the form p/q, where p and q are integers.

What is the sum of the integers from -30 to 50 inclusive?

810. All of the integers from -30 to30 cancel each other out by adding a negative to a positive. Then all you need to do is add the integers from 31 to 50. (31 + 32 + ....+50)