A kite is a toy that is kept in flight by the wind not far from the earth's surface. An airplane is a a motorized means of long distance transportation that has motors that make it possible to stay in flight at high altitudes.
there is no difference
the shape
They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals but a kite has no parallel sides whereas a parallelogram has opposite parallel sides
The dimensions of each one are going to have some bearing on the answer.
It can be a kite.
paper airplanes glide while most real airplanes have a source of propulsion also in a paper air plane you fold, it in a real airplane you weld it together
The difference is surely that an arrowhead has one reflex internal angle where a kite does not.
The spelling.
they built sled, kite, newspaper machine and then an airplane
Airplane, helicopter, space shuttle, kite, jets.
there is no difference
There is noneAnswer'Aeroplane' is British English; 'airplane' is US English.
the shape
See What are gliders on the airplane? answer.
Sailboat is to sail as kite is to fly, just as airplane is to wing and oil tanker is to engine.
You can hang off a hang glider but you can only fly a kite.