The digit underlined in the number 3.100 is the number 1. In word form, the number 1 is spelled as "one." So, the digit underlined in the number 3.100 in word form is "one."
Thirty thousand
4 million
Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!
137,294 is one hundred and thirty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety four.
46.504 in word form is forty six and five hundred four thousandths
Since there is no underlined digit the word form is and the value is .
Thirty thousand
4 million
Write the value of the underlined digit in short word form 456,120,781 if the underlined number is 5?
Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!
137,294 is one hundred and thirty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety four.
Ninety million- Ten millions
46.504 in word form is forty six and five hundred four thousandths
Six and two thousandths
Underlined is a verb and an adjective. Verb (past tense of underline): The students underlined the title of the book in their reports. Adjective: an underlined word
The word form for 0.604 is "six hundred four thousandths." In this decimal number, the digit 6 is in the hundredths place, the digit 0 is in the tenths place, and the digit 4 is in the thousandths place. The word form represents the value of each digit's position in the decimal number.
Three and one tenth.