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It can be any digit.

1/9 = 0.1111...

2/9 = 0.2222... etc

1.0 = 0.99999.... (odd though that might seem, it is mathematically true.)

Or it can be different strings of digits:

Division by 7 gives 142857

Division by 13 gives 307692

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Q: What is the digits or digit that repeats in a repeating decimal?
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What is a decimal in which a digit or a group of digits repeats without end?

It is a repeating decimal.

What does repeated decimal mean?

A repeated decimal is a decimal representation of a number in which, following a finite string of digits, the decimal digits settles into a string which repeats itself again and again - forever. For example, 111.11/77 = 1.44298701298701... The repeating pattern 298701 appears after the first three digits of the decimal representation.

A decimal number in which a digit or group of digits repeats without end?

a decimal in which a digit or group of digits repeats without end

What are repeating decimals?

When you convert a fraction to a decimal sometimes the decimal repeats forever. For example 1/3 as a decimal = 0.333333333.... (or 0.3 "recurring"). Another example is 1/7=0.142857142857.... (or 0.142857 recurring).

What is the difference between a terminating and a repeating decimal?

A terminating decimal reaches an end after a finite number of digits whereas a repeating decimal, after a finite number of digits, has a string of decimals (also of finite length) that repeats forever. Thus 1.2356 is a terminating decimal. 1.456333... is a repeating decimal with the digit 3 repeating an infinite number of times. So also is 23.56142857142857...... where the string 142857 repeats to infinity. In fact, terminating decimals may be viewed as repeating decimals with zero repeating infinitely.

If a fraction can be written as a repeating decimal Only One digit Can Repeat over And over withoutbend?

No, there can be any finite number of repeating digits. For example, 1/9 = 0.101010... where 10 repeats. Division by 7 gives rise to a six-digit string which repeats.

What is meaning of repeating decimals?

If I understand your question, you want to know the meaning of the phrase "repeating decimal". It just means an infinite decimal expansion (a decimal with infinitely many digits) in which, from some point on, the same digit or group of digits just keeps repeating forever. Every rational number (fraction) has a decimal that either terminates (in which case it can be considered to be a repeating decimal in which the digit 0 keeps repeating; 1/2 = 0.5 = 0.5000000000...) or repeats. An irrational number has a decimal expansion that never repeats. For example, 1/3 = 0.33333333333...; 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857...; 1/30 = 0.03333333333.... and is often represented with a line above the repeating number

Do you put repeating sign over 6.667?

To show a repeating decimal you put a dot above the digit that repeats.

Can a fraction be expressed as a repeating number?

I assume you mean "repeating decimal". Yes. For example, 1/6 = 0.166666... after that, the digit "6" repeats over and over again. In other cases, it is more than one digit that repeats, over and over. Note that at first there may be other digits, that don't repeat later on.In general, any fraction (with integers on top and bottom), if converted into a decimal, will eventually start repeating. Conversely, any repeating decimal can be converted into a fraction.

What is repeating but not terminating decimal example?

A repeating but not terminating decimal is one in which, a finite number of places after the decimal point is followed by a finite string of digits which goes on repeating forever.For example, 1/3 = 0.3333... and the 3s go on and on.or211/700 = 0.30142857142857... where the repetition does not start straight off, and it is a 6-digit string that repeats.

How do you change a decimal to a mixed number or fractions?

If the decimal goes on forever without repeating, the decimal is the representation of an irrational number and cannot be expressed as a fraction. Otherwise: Any number (other then zero) before the decimal point will be the whole number of a mixed number, and the digits after the decimal point represent the fraction. If the decimal terminates, then take the digits after the decimal point and put them over a '1' followed by the same number of '0's as there are digits, and simplify. eg 0.125 has three digits after the decimal point, so put the three digits (123) over a '1' followed by three '0's. that is over '1000' and simplify: 0.125 = 125/1000 = 25/200 = 5/40 = 1/8 If the decimal does not terminate but repeats a sequence of digits, put the repeating digits over the same number of '9's and simplify. eg 0.121212... has two repeating digits (12), so put them over two '9's (99) and simplify: 0.121212... = 12/99 = 4/33 If the decimal starts with a few digits and then repeats, convert the first few digits to a fraction as above (for the terminating decimal) and add the repeating digits converted to a fraction as above, but also follow the '9's of the repeating fraction by the same number of '0's as the initial digits. eg 0.1666... starts with one digit (1) followed by one repeating digit (6): The one non-repeating digit becomes 1/10 (the denominator is '1' followed by one '0'). The one repeating digit becomes 6/90 (the denominator is '9' as there is one repeating digit, followed by one '0' as there was one non-repeating digit). Thus: 0.1666... = 1/10 + 6/90 = 9/90 + 6/90 = 15/90 = 5/30 = 1/6 Another example of this "mixed" non-recurring and recurring decimal: 0.41666... Two non-repeating digits (41) → 41/100 One repeating digit (6) → 6/900 (the one '9' as one repeating digit, two '0's as two non-repeating digits) → 0.41666... = 41/100 + 6/900 = 123/300 + 2/300 = 125/300 = 25/60 = 5/12 Another example of this "mixed" non-recurring and recurring decimal: 0.4181818... One non-repeating digit (4) → 4/10 Two repeating digits (18) → 18/990 (the two '9' as two repeating digits, one '0' as one non-repeating digit) → 0.4181818... = 4/10 + 18/990 = 44/110 + 2/110 = 46/110 = 23/55

When four fifthteenth sis written as a decimal what is the smallest sequence of repeating digits?

4/15 as a decimal is 0.26666 repeating