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25 m/s for 140 s

Distance = Rate X Time


due west displacement = 3500 meters ( call this a )

due south displacement = 1005 meters ( call this b )

you are looking for the hypotenuse of a triangle and your direction will be south westerly

a^2 + b^2 = c^2 ( you want c )

c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)

= 3641.43 meters as magnitude

Direction of displacement from start point is arctan (1005 / 3500) = 16.021 degrees.

For interest the true compass direction from start point will be 270 - 16.021 = 253.98 degrees (true) on a chart. Compass degrees measure clockwise, starting at North is 0°

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Q: What is the direction and magnitude of your total displacement if you have traveled due west with a speed of 25 meters per second for 140 seconds then due south at 15 meters per second for 67 seconds?
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How to find magnitude of acceleration?

Rule: Magnitude of acceleration = Change of velocity / Time interval In linear motion, magnitude of acceleration is the measurement of change in speed in speed per unit time. For example: A car reaches a speed of 20 miles per second in 4 seconds, the magnitude of acceleration is 5 miles per second. a = 20 miles/second divided by 4 seconds = 5 miles per second. Acceleration is a vector, which means it has magnitude and direction. To describe accelerated motion completely, the direction also needs to be included. So it would be 5 miles per second in whatever direction it is going.

What is the velocity of 10m 12h?

0.0002315 m/s OR 0.0008333 km/hour The velocity of an object is the rate of its change in position in a certain direction. Velocity is a vector quantity; this means that it has both a magnitude and direction. To find the average velocity of an object in motion, the following equation is used: average velocity= (total displacement)/ (total time elapsed) The SI units of velocity are "m/s" , but any distance unit over any time unit is also acceptable. Solving for the velocity asked for: First let's change hours to seconds: (12 hours ) x (6o minutes/hour )x (60 seconds/minute)= 43200 seconds Finding the velocity: average velocity= (displacement)/ (time)= 10m/ 43200 seconds= 0.000231481 m/s

Find the order of magnitude of your age in seconds?

2.2 x 109

If you traveled 50 meters in 25 seconds what is your distance traveled and average speed?

2 meters every second. bit pointless

What is the velocity of 100 meters traveled in 9.2 seconds?

10.9 m/s

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Yes, an object can be moving for ten seconds and still have zero displacement if the object is moving back and forth in opposite directions or if it completes a closed loop. Displacement is a measurement of the change in position from the starting point to the ending point, regardless of the total distance traveled.

What is a correct measure of velocity?

Velocity is the rate at which an object changes its position in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity that includes both speed (magnitude of velocity) and direction. The correct measure of velocity includes both the numerical value of speed and the direction in which the object is moving.

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The direction of the force is to the right. To calculate the magnitude of the force, you can use the formula: Force = (mass x distance) / time. Here, the force is 10 Newtons, the distance is 4 meters, and the time is 9 seconds. Plugging these values into the formula, the magnitude of the force is about 4.44 Newtons.

How to find magnitude of acceleration?

Rule: Magnitude of acceleration = Change of velocity / Time interval In linear motion, magnitude of acceleration is the measurement of change in speed in speed per unit time. For example: A car reaches a speed of 20 miles per second in 4 seconds, the magnitude of acceleration is 5 miles per second. a = 20 miles/second divided by 4 seconds = 5 miles per second. Acceleration is a vector, which means it has magnitude and direction. To describe accelerated motion completely, the direction also needs to be included. So it would be 5 miles per second in whatever direction it is going.

How do you know a object's speed and velocity?

Velocity = Delta-x / Delta-t, where x is position, t is time, and "Delta" is the "Change in" operator.Velocity is a vector, so I probably should have written x as x, or x-arrow, or some other notation to indicate it was a vector quantity, but putting an arrow hat on something is a little difficult to do here, and just making it bold is kind of subtle and could be missed.Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector.

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Time interval is a scalar quantity because it only has magnitude and no direction associated with it. It is measured in units such as seconds or hours.

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Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. If the distance is 100m and speed is 150 seconds, a velocity cannot be calculated without a direction component. Velocity is typically expressed as distance traveled per unit time in a specific direction.

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To find the displacement from 2 seconds to 6 seconds, you need to calculate the change in position of the object during that time interval. This can be done by subtracting the position of the object at 2 seconds from its position at 6 seconds. The result will give you the displacement of the object during that time period.

If rob travels on a skateboard meter in 3 seconds what is the velocity?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. To calculate the velocity of Rob on a skateboard, we need to know the distance he traveled in meters and the direction of his motion. If Rob travels 10 meters in 3 seconds, the velocity would be 10 meters/3 seconds = 3.33 m/s (assuming no change in direction).

What is the Order of Magnitude of the number of seconds in one hour?

The order of magnitude of the number of seconds in one hour is around 10^4, or 10,000 seconds.

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Since the athlete covers 200m in 40 seconds, the velocity is 5 m/s. In 140 seconds, the displacement is 700m in the same direction. The total distance covered will be the sum of the distance traveled in each segment of time, so it will be 200m + 700m= 900m.

What are the 5 examples of scalar quantity?

Temperature: It only requires a magnitude to describe, without direction. Mass: It is a measure of the amount of matter in an object with no direction. Distance: It is the magnitude of the separation between two points and does not have a specified direction. Time: It can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc., and does not have a direction associated with it. Speed: It is the rate at which an object covers distance and is described by magnitude only.