

What is the velocity of 10m 12h?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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14y ago

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0.0002315 m/s OR 0.0008333 km/hour

The velocity of an object is the rate of its change in position in a certain direction.

Velocity is a vector quantity; this means that it has both a magnitude and direction.

To find the average velocity of an object in motion, the following equation is used:

average velocity= (total displacement)/ (total time elapsed)

The SI units of velocity are "m/s" , but any distance unit over any time unit is also acceptable.

Solving for the velocity asked for:

First let's change hours to seconds:

(12 hours ) x (6o minutes/hour )x (60 seconds/minute)= 43200 seconds

Finding the velocity:

average velocity= (displacement)/ (time)= 10m/ 43200 seconds= 0.000231481 m/s

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