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Q: What is the disadvantage of using representative fraction?
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What is the advantage of using representative fraction?

The advantage of representative fraction is that any unit of distance may be adopted.

What do you mean by representative fraction?

Every fraction has infinitely many equivalent fractions. A representative fraction is one member of this set.

What does the representative fraction tell you?

It is the value of the fraction.

What is a disadvantage of using png?

The disadvantage is that , gif is better

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The Disadvantage of using platinum is that it is highly corrosive nad extrely toxic.

When is it better to use a fraction a decimal or a percent?

The answer depends on the form with which you are more comfortable. The main disadvantage of using decimal fractions is that they may result in an accumulation of rounding errors.

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Is a disadvantage using tables?

Whether or not it is a disadvantage depends on what you are trying to do with the table.

Can you please tell me what a Representative Fraction is?

a portion that represents the whole

Disadvantage of using cad?

1 disadvantage is that it might not always be as accurate as you want it to be

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the disadvantage of using community service is that you have to pay and you dont have the advantage to going where ever you want

What is a sentence using the word representative?

My representative will contact you in the near future.