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Q: What is the discriminant of this equation 8x2 5x 6 0?
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What is the discriminant of this equation 8x2 plus 5x plus 6 equals 0?

It is: 25-4(8*6) = -167

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The discriminant is 9.

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(-2)2-4*8*8 = -252 The discriminant is less than zero so there's no solution to the quadratic equation.

What is x2 plus 5x plus 9 equals 0?

It has no solutions because the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero.

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The discriminant is 385.

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The discriminant is -199.

If the discriminant of an equation is 0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is zero then it has two identical roots.

How do you find the sum of the roots of the equation x2 plus 5x plus 9 equals 0?

This quadratic equation has no real roots because its discriminant is less than zero.

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

In the quadratic equation ax2 plus bx plus c 0 if b2 - 4ac?

If you mean b^2 -4ac then it is the discriminant of a quadratic equation. If the discriminant equals 0 then the equation has 2 equal roots. If the discriminant is greater than 0 then the equation has 2 different roots. If the discriminant is less than 0 then it has no real roots.

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The discriminant is -11.