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The discriminant is 16

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Q: What is the discriminant of x squared equals 4?
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The greatness of 4 squared and 3 squared is expressed by the equation: 16 - 9 which equals 7.3 squared equals 3 x 3 = 94 squared equals 4 x 4 = 1616 - 9 = 7

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equation 1: y = x-4 => y2 = x2-8x+16 when both sides are squared equation 2: x2+y2 = 8 Substitute equation 1 into equation 2: x2+x2-8x+16 = 8 => 2x2-8x+8 = 0 If the discriminant of the above quadratic equation is zero then this is proof that the line is tangent to the curve: The discriminant: b2-4ac = (-8)2-4*2*8 = 0 Therefore the discriminant is equal to zero thus proving that the line is tangent to the curve.

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4 squared is 4 x 4 which equals 16.

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It has no solutions because the discriminant is less than zero.

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Discriminant = (-10)2 - 4*5*(-2) = 100 + 40 > 0 So the quadratic has two real roots ie it crosses the x-axis twice.

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The discriminant of x^2 + 6 - 16 = discriminant of x^2 - 10 is 40.