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Jonathan Block

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Q: What is the distace on a number line between 10 and -5?
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What is the distance between 10 and 0 on a number line?

10 units.

Both numbers are less than 10 The distance between the two numbers on the number line is 14?

both number are less than 10, the distance between the two number on the number line is 14

What is the distance on a number line between -28 and -10?


What is the distance between 3 and 10 on a number line?


What number could be 7 and 9 over 10 on a number line?

The number would be 7.9 on a number line. What you can do to find this number is go to the spot on the number line that says 7 and 8. Cut the number line between 7 and 8 into 10 pieces. Then count to the ninth peice and this is 7.9

What is the diffence between negative 10 and positive 7 on the number line?


Between what two numbers would 9 be located on a number line?

If we are talking whole numbers, then 9 is between 8 and 10. But if you have a number line measure in tenths (decimals), then 9 is between 8.9 and 9.1. If the number line is in halves, then 9 coms in between 8 and a half and 9 and a half. There are lots of answers. It just depends on the scale of the number line.

On a number line 3 over 10 would be located?

between 0 and 1

How can you show three tenths worked out?

You write the number 3 over the number 10, and a horizontal line in between.

How many numbers are in the number line from 1 to 10?

The number line from 1 to 10 includes 10 integers, but an infinite number of real numbers.

What does the math term between mean?

In mathematics the word 'between' means a number falling between other numbers in the number line. e.g. the number that falls between 1 and 3 is 2. e.g. there are three numbers between 1 and 5, they are 2,3, and 4. e.g. the number between -10 and -12 is -11. There are also partial or fractional numbers between. e.g. 1.5 falls between 1 and 2 on the number line. e.g. to the nearest 1/4, 3/4 falls between 1/5 and 1 on the number line.

Where can you draw a line on a clock face so that the number on both sides total the same?

From between the 3 and the 4 to between the 9 and the 10