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I work in northern Ontario Canada- for 28 years as a paramedic. Working in a group of 150 medics- suicides none, deaths - nothing remarkable. Divorce/separation rate very high- probably 70 %, Very stressful job.

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Q: What is the divorce rate suicide rate and death rate for paramedics in the US?
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What is the divorce percentage rate?

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Eating disorder have a lower death rate than psychological disorders (which have exceedingly high rates of suicide).

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Yes, suicide rate vary greatly by sex and race. For example, males are much more likely to complete a suicide. Women attempt suicide much more often, but complete to death less.

Suicide rate in North America?

Suicide rates in North America today occur most often in middle-aged adults. Suicide is now the leading cause of death in America.

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dentist have the highest suicide rate.

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Divorce is not allowed in the Philippines.

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Current divorce rate in Australia around 47% to 55 %

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dentists Actually, I believe psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate in the medical profession.

What is the Difference between crude death rate and actual death rate?

Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.

Is the rate of divorce consistent in all 50 states?

The divorce rate is NOT consistent in all 50 states. Factors that change the divorce rate in different states are constantly changing, which affects the rate so often that many are indeed not consistent.

What is the divorce rate in Alabama?

As of 2021, the divorce rate in Alabama is around 3.7 per 1,000 people. This rate is slightly lower than the national average.