It is the geometric representation, in the Cartesian plane, of the ordered pair.
Plotting the point.
It is called a graph. Graphs consist of many such points.
a dot is the smallest point whereas a line can be assumed to be a collection of points or dots for eg- a dot is - " . " and a line (continuous dots) is " ................................. "
A point is denoted by a dot but may be labelled by any symbol.
A dot
Plotting the point.
This is called plotting the point on the Cartesian or coordinate plane.
It is called a graph. Graphs consist of many such points.
It means to put a dot on the grid corresponding to the cordinates.
To say "dot dot dot" in French, you would say "point point point" or "point de suspension."
On my multiple choice geometry quiz, a point is defined as: "It has no size, width, or height. It is represented by a dot and named by a capital letter."
A dot is a point. There is no point between the dot. There could be a point between two dots, but that is not what you asked. And if there was a point between two dots, it would just be another dot.
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A relation is any set of ordered pairs. A relation can be represented by: - an x-y graph with a dot for each ordered pair. - in set notation e.g. {(1,2), (2, 4), (3, 6)} - an arrow diagram. On the left is an oval containing the elements of the domain (x-values). On the right is an oval containing the elememts of the range ( y-values). For each ordered pair, an arrow is drawn from the x-value to y-value.
The difference between a point and a dot is that a point is used in algebra (in numbers) whereas a dot is used in geometry to define the lenght of a given segment.