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Q: What is the effect of dividing an integer value by a real value what is the effect called?
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How do you get the absolute value of positive integer?

The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.

What is the absolute value of an integer of its numerical value of its numerical value?

The absolute value of an integer is the integer with no sign. The absolute value of +3 and -3 is 3.

What is a absolute value of a negative integer?

The absolute value of an integer is the integer with a positive sign.

What is the largest integer value of x given that -52x is less than or equal to 7?

-52x <= 7 (-52x)/(-52) >= 7/(-52) {divide both sides by -52, and reverse the inequality when dividing by a negative. x >= -7/52 There is no largest integer value for x. If the question was ... greater than or equal to ... then the solution would be x <= -7/52, and the largest integer value would be -1.

What do integers and absolute value have to do with each other?

The absolute value of an integer is the value of the integer without regard to its sign. The absolute value need not be an integer.

What an integers distance from 0 is?

The distance from 0 of an integer is called its absolute value, or magnitude.

When does a positive integer and a negative integer equal a positive integer?

When they are added together and the absolute value of the positive integer is bigger than the absolute value of the negative integer or when the negative integer is subtracted from the positive integer.

How do you turn a positive integer into a negative integer in programming?

Store the absolute value of the desired integer in a variable. Multiply the absolute value by two. Substract the new integer by the old integer.

How do you determine the value of one integer in comparison to the value of another integer?

Look at the places that integers have on the number line. The integer that is on the right is greater that the integer is on the left.

When is the sum of a positive and negative integer negative?

When the absolute value of the positive integer is smaller than the absolute value of the negative one.

What is the absolute value of integer 21?

The absolute value of the integer 21 is 21. The absolute value of something is its distance from 0.

What is the integer value of pi?

First of all, there's no such thing as an 'interger'. A whole number is an 'integer'.Say it with me: "IN-tih-jer". Now you say it yourself: "IN-tih-jer". Very good.Next, 'pi' is called an "irrational" number. That means it's not a whole number,it's not a fraction, it's not the result of multiplying or dividing any number byany other number, and no matter how many decimal places you write down,you can never write its exact value.