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They are the members of the set. It is not possible to list them without knowing what the set is.

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Q: What is the elements of the finite set?
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What are the examples of a finite set?

In mathematics, a finite set is a set that has a finite number of elements. For example, (2,4,6,8,10) is a finite set with five elements. The number of elements of a finite set is a natural number (non-negative integer), and is called the cardinality of the set. A set that is not finite is called infinite. For example, the set of all positive integers is infinite: (1,2,3,4, . . .)

What is a finite set in math?

It is a set which contains a finite number of elements.

What the differentiate between finite set and infinite set?

A finite set has a finite number of elements, an infinite set has infinitely many.

Why is an empty set a finite set?

An empty set is considered a finite set because it contains zero (0) elements and zero is a finite number.

Is a set whose elements can be counted or has a limited number of elements?

A finite set or a countably infinite set.

Can a subset of an infinite set be finite?

A subset of some set X is, by definition, any set whose elements are entirely contained in X. So the answer is yes. As an example, take your infinite set, and select 3 or 10 or any finite number of your favorite elements in this set. The set of your chosen elements is a finite subset of the infinite set.

What are the finite or infinite sets?

A finite set is one containing a finite number of distinct elements. The elements can be put into a 1-to-1 relationship with a proper subset of counting numbers. An infinite set is one which contains an infinite number of elements.

Kinds of set according to number of elements?

Set is a well defined collection of objects. By the number of elements in the set, it can be classified into two as 1.Finite set 2. Infinite set. Example for finite set:{1,2,3,4,5...10}.Example for Infinite set:{1,2,3,4,.....}

How do you get the number of the subsets in a set?

A finite set with N distinct elements has 2N subsets.

Cartesian product of sets A and B is finite then does it follow that A and B are finite?

The number of elements in a Cartesian product is equal to the product in the number of elements of each set. The idea of a Cartesian product is that you combine each element from set A with each element from set B. If the product set (the Cartesian product) of sets A and B has a finite number of elements, this may be due to the fact that both A and B are finite. However, there is another possibility: that one of the sets, for example, set A, has zero elements, and the other is infinite. In this case, the Cartesian product would also have zero elements.

How do you count the subset of a certain set?

A finite set, consisting of N elements, will have 2N subsets.

What is the cardinality of set b?

If set b is finite then the cardinality is the number of elements in it. If it is not finite then it depends on whether its elements can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers (cardinality = Aleph Null) or with irrationals (Aleph-One).